Laurence DELINOT



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Letting go to live with more serenity

Letting go to live with more serenity

To live serenely and not be invaded by parasitic thoughts, we often read that we should “let go”. That’s all well and good, but what exactly do we need to let go of? The concept may seem abstract for people who are new to personal development.

It is all actually about accepting that we are not in control of everything. Often, our ego and our various fears force us – unconsciously – to control everything. We have conditioned ourselves to control and anticipate everything in order to limit risks as much as possible. However, you might have noticed that life doesn’t always go as you planned. There are always unforeseen events that call into question your plan, so perfectly oiled on paper. As a result, you will try even harder to control the elements and people around you and stress again.

By letting go and accepting that you are not in control of everything around you, you will find that you will move forward more calmly and have a freer mind.

Several techniques exist to achieve this way of thinking and especially of acting. The first step is to live the present moment in full consciousness, which can also be seen with the meaning of a “gift”. The past does not exist, we have always lived in the present. It is simply a fabrication of the mind to maintain regrets and remorse. As for the future, it only serves to channel fears. Taking pleasure in what you do each day allows you to refocus on the essential, that is your happiness. Eating a dish you like, talking with people you care about, watching a movie you like, get yourself everything you need to be happy.

Letting go doesn’t mean stopping planning or organizing but actually doing something. Only action counts and thoughts are only there to drag you into a negative spiral of guilt or self-sabotage. So take actions that will allow you to meet your needs and expectations and the universe will respond by providing the appropriate answers.

You will see that if you stop focusing on the result of your actions by constantly anticipating the reactions of the people around you and the unfolding of events, you will at first have a lighter mind and be relieved of all the parasitic thoughts that end up discouraging you. Then, you will be able to devote yourself to another action, without asking yourself hundreds of sterile questions that will prevent you from moving forward.

This is also the beauty of life. Nothing is set in stone and we can, by knowing that we really want to satisfy our needs and desires, build a life that corresponds to our expectations. You can imagine that letting go requires regular practice. We are conditioned from a young age to try to control everything and it is by acting consciously, each day a little more, that we will arrive at a serene and peaceful state of mind. You can be helped in this journey towards true self-confidence by an experienced therapist, such as a hypnotherapist, who will be able to listen to you and find the appropriate tools to guide you in this self-enrichingl process.