Laurence DELINOT



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Healing the inner child with hypnosis

I’m Laurence DELINOT, a humanist hypnosis practitioner for nearly 15 years, my practice is mainly dedicated to healing past wounds.

On this page, I explain how to heal the inner child through symbolic therapy. Identify emotional wounds (the rejectionabandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice), learn how to heal them to free yourself from repetitive patterns, restore self-confidence, and find peace in your heart!

Book your first in-office hypnotherapy session in Paris 15eme today, or a teleconsultation if you prefer.

guérir son enfance intérieure

Healing the inner child through symbolic therapy means recognizing that in our subconscious mind lives the tiny child we once were, who needs to be seen, understood, heard and comforted. This child has shown enormous adaptability in growing up in an environment that did not always, and sometimes never, meet his needs to grow up well.

For French-Iranian psychoanalyst Moussa Nabati, we’re like a Russian doll, with two people, two desires, two selves. One adult, the other childlike. He founds that it’s never really the adult who suffers, but the little boy or girl inside us, in the grip of the ghost.

The inner child or wounded parts: definition

Just who is he? When we think of the child we once were, do we remember happy or sad moments? Most of us tend to idealize our childhood and repress negative or even painful memories. It’s a normal protective mechanism that ensures a certain balance.

Sometimes, childhood traumas such as adult abuse behaviours are hidden in the subconscious. These traumatic moments in life are experienced by the child.

If we take the image of Russian dolls, we can find a telling analogy for our inner life. Emotional parts, or the child in us who still suffers in our adult body, regularly manifest themselves in certain situations. The inner child is the creative, joyful, resourceful and curious part of us, living in the present moment. The wounded part is frozen in the emotions of the past. It still lives in fear, anger, shame, guilt and sadness.

comment guérir son enfant intérieur

What are the 5 childhood wounds to heal?

  • Rejection: Like all the others, rejection is an emotional wound that originates in childhood. When the attachment has not been stable and secure, a feeling of rejection can arise, and the child can become hypersensitive to any situation in which he feels excluded. Rejection is often the result of unwanted children, or children whose gender doesn’t match their parents’ expectations at birth.
  • Abandon: Children who have been abandoned at birth, or who have experienced frequent and/or lengthy separations from an attachment figure, may develop a fear of being abandoned and suffer from emotional dependence.
  • Humiliation: Children who have suffered humiliation and devaluation at home or at school.
  • Betrayal: Deception is most often the cause of this wound. Whether you’ve been deceived or witnessed adult deception as a child. You’ll be very suspicious and controlling. It’s going to be hard to trust.
  • Injustice: This is a wound often rooted in childhood trauma, in which the child felt victimized and powerless.

How to identify childhood emotional wounds?

Therapy is the best way to heal your inner child. The therapist, in collaboration with the client, is able toidentify childhood wounds through the recounting of conscious memories, as well as through the emergence of unconscious memories during hypnotic regressions. These memories are not always visual and constructed in the way we would often like them to be. The body often expresses itself through uncomfortable, sometimes painful sensations. Emotions come to surface, and with them childhood wounds.

If you’d like to identify your wounds and repetitive patterns, I’ll be happy to provide you with the keys to regaining your self-confidence and communicating more healthily and effectively with your partner, friends, family members, etc. during my consultations. L’hypnosis to free yourself from a phobia is also highly recommended!

When childhood events affect adult life

From adolescence onwards, and later as we settle into adulthood, relationship difficulties begin to appear. Communication problems, with their attendant projections, are a frequent cause of romantic break-ups, with or without violence. The repetitive pattern is at work without our being able to identify where it comes from, and can cause attachment disorders in adults.

How to heal your inner child?

1. Reconnect with the little one in you

Reconnecting with our inner child, telling him or her that we love him or her, allows us to find or rediscover a creative life energy and a sense of wonder that we’ve lost since we left the world of childhood. Our inner child allows us to play down events and find the solution that lies within us. This will enable us to step back and manage our emotions as adults.

Once you’ve recognized the little girl or boy in you, all you have to do is to reach out to him/her. Feel from the heart how much this child moves you. It’s common to feel a strong emotion. Often sadness, because it’s not unusual to have felt profound loneliness during the first years of our lives. This can be explained by the dependence inherent in our status as children.

With the therapist’s help, you can visualize or simply feel his or her presence. You can talk to him. It’s essential to connect regularly with this child to maintain the bond and anchor self-confidence.

soigner son enfant interieur

2. Reconciling with yourself

Reconnecting with the inner child enables us to live better with the wounds of the past, helping us to free ourselves from repetitive, painful patterns and move towards reconciliation with ourselves. It means gradually rediscovering your zest for life and inner peace. Everyone’s experience points to a greater ability to manage emotions and take a step back. It’s the way out of emotional dependence or toxic relationships!

3. Learning to love yourself and mourn your painful past

Healing your inner child means learning to love yourself and stop judging yourself. The causes of suffering in adulthood are often linked to our poor self-image. The way we look at ourselves is sometimes uncompromising, whether it’s about our bodies or our ability to succeed in life. Learning to love yourself means freeing yourself from limiting beliefs and opening yourself up to a more fulfilling future. It also means mourning the childhood we would have liked to have had with ideal parents.

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