Laurence DELINOT



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06 75 43 47 90


16bis rue du Docteur Roux
75015 PARIS


Free yourself from the duality of emotions to realize your full potential

Free yourself from the duality of emotions to realize your full potential

Who hasn’t felt torn between two feelings and been unable to make a rational decision? Often we even feel a particular emotion and feel guilty about it. As the latter is not accepted by society, we find it hard to admit and admit to others.

It’s obvious that most of us are conditioned by a very dual perception of the world around us. Everything is good or bad, right or wrong, there are no half-measures. This clear-cut stance in all situations does not allow us to choose a middle way that would relieve us of all guilt. This way of deciding without nuance ends up acting on our emotions and creating real stress.

Social norms even condition our place in society: a man can’t show his sadness without being seen as weak, a woman can’t show her anger without being seen as hysterical, or a mother must accept everything from her child, without judgment, without being seen as an unworthy mother. Inevitably, a person who feels this way is going to feel guilty and make his or her malaise even worse.

To regain a true personal emotional and affective balance, we need to free ourselves from the norms imposed by society and develop a personal perception of the world. In the end, this means accepting all our emotions, even those we can’t admit.

Modern personal development therapies help to free us from these inhibiting beliefs. Humanist hypnosis is an interesting tool, like meditation, for opening up and broadening consciousness so that we can become observers of our thoughts and emotions, and no longer identify with them. Our essence, our deepest being, is united with all that surrounds it, but the mind has an erroneous perception of reality, a dual perception. It apprehends reality from the limited perspective of what’s right and what’s wrong. The path to liberation from suffering is one of acceptance and reunification.