06 Aug What are the sacred masculine and feminine?
A lot of women don’t feel good in their lives, they’re under a lot of pressure from society, the media, men and even other women. They have to be hypersexual, young, beautiful, slim… and they often don’t like it. Each of us, whether we’re male or female, has some feminine and some masculine energy within us, at different levels. Whatever our gender, we need to cultivate these energies as much as possible, for it is they that will enable us to break with today’s destructive models. Women feel the need to come out of it and finally become themselves, to regain their dignity in a way, while many men wish to develop their sensitivity and grant themselves the right to do good around them and protect those around them. Women need to realize that they must rediscover their feminine essence – their sacred feminine – if they are to be fully happy, fulfilled and free. The woman, who has rediscovered her sacred femininity, has understood that her value has nothing to do with her sexuality. She decides when she wants to please, not to be loved at all costs. She’s free to be herself, not to enter into a permanent game of seduction, nor to need the approving gaze of men to exist. She loves her body just as it is: it’s her sacred temple, which you have to earn to enter. Her beauty is above all inner, expressing who she really is deep down. This woman is not in competition with other women. On the contrary, she’ll do her utmost to support them and help them in times of difficulty. The woman who is in her sacred feminine is proud of her feminine qualities, she allows herself to feel compassion, empathy, gentleness, sensuality, creativity… She is simply a woman and does not seek to become like men. Its strength lies in inner peace and harmony, self-confidence self-confidence and freedom. A woman who has rediscovered her deepest essence will seek out a man who is himself in his sacred masculinity. Although complete in itself, it will seek to ally itself with the sacred masculine energy, in order to create a physical, emotional and spiritual dynamic. The sacred masculine is the very essence of masculinity, free from conditioning and societal models. It’s a man who has the courage to be himself and embody true masculine qualities, such as responsibility, strength combined with gentleness when needed, action, power of concentration, fatherhood, generosity, encouragement, using his strength to do good and to protect… These two beings, masculine and feminine, connected to their deepest sacred elements, will be able to rise, to be free and to free themselves from the dictates of society, they will be able to blossom together and let themselves go with positive emotions.